So... I just read this post about thought control regarding food and I could probably smack my forehead for not thinking this way before.
I've been on one diet or another for about... forever and there has always been some limit I was trying to stick to, whether it be no grains, no meat, no sugar, or not too many calories...
I don't think I have ever said I could have anything I wanted just to see what happens... just to see if telling myself there are no limits would switch off whatever it is in my brain that was switched on when my parents told me to get away from the snacks one holiday when I was 10 and I started hiding food in my room and binging in secret... a habit I still have to this day.
My 10 year old brain made a decision that being seen indulging in a treat meant getting in trouble, so, along with other stigmas I picked up along the way, I began to hide and eat. I do this now when I have food in the car... I don't chew when I'm at a stop light and other people could be looking around and see me... as if I think the calories don't count if no one sees...
So, I made a plan for Lent and I think I'm going to change it based on the post linked above... just to see... when I trust myself to stop when I'm satisfied, will I actually stop?
It's been this long, what's another 4-5 weeks? :)