Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm Still Here

I really want to like Atlas Shrugged. I feel like I'm forcing myself to read it though. I got all the way through Chapter 1 and I felt like I do when I chug the last two cups of water to hit my daily fluid intake goal.

I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't quite grab me... Yet... Because what I've heard is that it is a very compelling and memorable story.

The same thing is going on with my nutrition. I'm not at all interested in the right foods as I was Pre-Easter. It's like the salvation of the Lord stirred up a burning passion for all things fried and crunchy.

I've not gone anywhere near the deep end, not even to the water, but I am full on struggling to keep my mind and body focused on the long term benefit of not giving in to temptations like boneless buffalo wings dipped in blue cheese... Oh man, I can hardly type that without salivating.

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things with going to the gym too. The twice weekly visits have waned due to illness, injury, and really convincing excuses and getting back on track has been hard.

I've been in the "I want to be healthy" club for a long time and am still not close to goal number one... "Make peace with the fact that I must make changes in order to change."

So I am taking my tiny milestones of having lost and kept off 10lbs and always returning to a cleaner eating lifestyle and running with them, rather than giving up and buying stretch pants and cheeseburgers.

Lifelong change needs to happen now for this to be the year I finally get the weight off and get stronger...

I wanna do a push up... and, by the end of this year... ONE CHIN UP!!!


  1. I tried reading Atlas Shrugged too, stopped right after chapter 1.
    You'll get there Melissa, just keep aiming for the small wins and eventually they add up to the big win.
