Wednesday, December 28, 2011

God... I hate this part...

It's not easy for me to admit I am weak. It makes perfect sense that I would be stubborn though as that is the exact reason I am still tipping the scale at 220+ lbs after two years that started so well...

I failed again, two years running, er... not running. I spent a lot of effort last year to get my health into gear. I really did... you HAVE to believe me...

No, I know, I don't even believe me.

I really want this to be the year. I want to get to a point where it's not all I think about. I want to push the thoughts out of my mind that say, "you can't", "you're too fat", "it won't fit", "you'll get looks"... and especially "no one takes you seriously because you are a fat girl."

You may have heard, "a year from now you're going to wish you started now". I need to change that to, "a year from now you're going to wish you stuck with it now, and the next day, and the next day...".

So, now that I have admitted defeat, shown a desire to make a change, and depressed anyone that reads this, it's time to re-up...

It's not really the third time for me as I have been on some form of a diet since the age of 12 or 13, but I'll say it anyway...

Third time's the charm.

The good news is this. Last year I managed to keep 17 lbs off. I yo-yo'd like a crazy person between 244 and 213 but settled at 227 for year end.

Goal #1 - First Blood: Break under 200 and say goodbye to that damn 2 once and for all.

Goal #2 - Electric Boogaloo: Get back to 170 for the first time since freshman year of high school.

Goal #3 - The Final Stand: Hit between 135-115 (don't freak out on the 115, I'm 5'2") and get my first ever maintenance plan in the works.

I will get one or all of these done this year...
So far, being too tired and watching TV has done NOTHING to get me closer to the finish line. Weird, huh?

I need help with a plan. I've got a kick-start scheduled for the diet portion that will take me through the first quarter of the year, but need to get moving around and need advice wherever I can get it.

Please offer your suggestions and support as you are able.

This will be the year for a change for me! I can feel it!


  1. Hey you!!! So here you go... you wanted suggestions you got it!! The secret to looking and feeling healthy is a combination of 2 simple things... DIET & EXERCISE!!!

    Diet does NOT mean starve yourself or eat crazy foods, then crash on some yo-yo bender type deal leaving you tired and lethargic. Diet means, eat well, usually around the same times everyday, swap out the white stuff and go whole grain, and know that Carbs are not the devil. good carbs are okay and they give you energy. :)

    Exercise does not mean to spend 3 hours a day at the gym. I have found that, for me, running helps with my mental health and stress relief however, DVD's like Tae Bo and Jillian Michaels (which are only 25-45 mins a day) work great!! that is a small start and great results... especially since you can do them in your home and don't have to worry about the "gym spectators" if that's one of your worries.

    Hopefully this helps. Also, Planet Fitness has FREE personal trainers if you need more motivation and accountability. And the gym fee is hella cheap!! :)

    Most importantnly, you need to get this shit out of your head and especially "no one takes you seriously because you are a fat girl."
    that is so not true. you need to replace the negative self talk with positive action in the direction of change!!

    you can do it!!! holla if you need me!! :)

  2. Keeping off 17 lbs is nothing to sneeze at! I too struggle with my weight and want to make this year THE year I get it together...and not beat myself up along the way.

  3. Kristy,
    There's knowing and then doing... I'm working on the doing :) Thanks for the support and advice. I would definitely like to try Planet Fitness. I didn't know they had free trainers.

    I get caught up with the finish line a lot and forget about the milestones along the way, thanks for the reminder that every step in the right direction counts. Let's be goal buddies, k?

  4. Also for all concerned with the "diet" I have planned... I'm just taking vitamins and supplements to cleanse my innards while I log and measure everything I eat on a my well balanced food plan... I am not going on a crazy juice fast, or only eating cabbage or orange foods so quit yelling already! :)

  5. Zumba, 4-5 days a week for an hour each time, awesome! Lots of fun, even for a girl that dances like a drunken white frat boy on her best day. Dropped 30 lbs since july, just cut down my portion sizes, a happy meal instead of medium everything, and learned how to shake my asss.

  6. Ha ha, Awesome September! I'm still a little self conscious about shakin' all my jello in front of people (especially skinny bitches) ha ha, but I'll get there. I have always wanted to try it. Thanks!
