Monday, January 21, 2013

Almost Months

I said I would not post until I had "Months under my belt" and I will count this as only sort of lying.

January 2nd I began a very strict "Clean Eating" and exercise plan that is definitely producing changes in me that I did not think possible in such a short amount of time (3 solid weeks).

I am working out twice a week with Bryan and we are pushing each other to try a little harder each time (more laps, more weight, more reps, more sets, hold longer).
I am excited to go to the gym.
I ran... a whole lap... non-stop (small-ish track, but I RAN IT!)

I have lost 10 pounds.
I have only slipped all the way off the "eating right" wagon once and I recovered in a day, rather than a few months/years.

This is the year. I'm getting out of Obese and into Overweight before summer.

I'm getting to a healthy BMI by December.

I'm taking pictures and measurements to keep track (which I will share when I have a better quality progress pic).

This is MY year.


  1. Yeehaw!! I'm trying to do clean(ish) eating too...any resources you love?

    1. Hey Dana. Not really any resources. I'm just guessing that it's best to stick to local, organic, unprocessed stuff and to cook my own meals as much as possible. I subscribed to Door to Door Organics and am doing my best to find grass fed meat and wild caught fish... I haven't had more than a tablespoon to a half cup per day of any dairy product since I started. I have tried my best to skip bread/starch entirely or opt for fresh baked pita (at restaurants). Also, when I go out I am almost annoyingly inquisitive about the preparation method of the food I order (e.g. Is it cooked in oil?, What kind?, Any butter used?, Can it be left off?, Can the sauce/gravy/glaze be kept on the side?, etc)... I'm also trying to do like 60/40 or 70/30 in favor of vegetables and I've found Middle-Eastern food is a godsend if you can control urges to scarf down the whole basket of warm pita before your entree arrives.

      This is like a book, but I can sum it up like this: If it is shelf-stable with a mile long list of chemicals in the ingredients, I don't eat it. If it would spoil within hours if left on the counter uncovered unless cooked or frozen, I cook it before it gets the botulism and eat it up!

      Also, whoever invented the freezer is an angel from Heaven.
