Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day Whatever.... Redo

FYI, I quit, started, quit, started and quit again...

I'm not going to make my goal by January 4th 2011.

It's unhealthy to lose more than 1-2lbs/week and pretty much impossible to lose 4lbs/week over 6 months.

Anyway... Screw it... I got winded and dizzy from climbing the stairs at the ball park yesterday and I hate it.

New goal:

I'm going to be healthier on January 4th, 2011 than I am now.

Starting at 215 (I kept 3lbs off since January); I'm going for weighing under 170 within the next 6 months. Minimum 45lbs total; just under 2lbs/week.

Food plan:
Weight Watchers points program; observing good health guidelines

Activity plan:
Alternate Pilates and Cross Training videos
Spend one or two days a week doing cardio at the gym.
and for an extra little kick, I'll use my bicycle as my primary mode of transportation around my neighborhood (school, church, grocery store, chiropractor)

Support plan:
Regardless of the possibility of failure and shame (ha!); I'm going to tell everyone I know that I am working on this goal and ask for moral support and accountability. So, that means you! :)

Truth to dispel potential excuses:

It's not ok for me to have popcorn for dinner

My chiropractor said I only have to take it easy with workouts for the first two weeks while he fixes a few spine things, but said I can still do low impact stuff like riding my bike or pilates.

There's no such thing as a free day, though a free meal every couple weeks is supposed to help boost metabolism.

Bread is a major weakness and I have to closely monitor my intake.

And most importantly, with the exception of the tragedy of a break-up or the celebration of my birth...
BBQ Chicken Nachos are forbidden.

Thank you for observing my rant.

I look forward to proving to myself that I can complete something worthwhile. :)

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