Well, dinner last night made me feel like a garbage bucket, so maybe I can edit my "no regrets" comment to "only one regret!"
Aside from food choices literally ruining my dreams, I couldn't sleep in if I tried... I woke up at 7AM this morning... on a SATURDAY!!! That's a SIN!!!
Being that no person that I know is up that early, I headed out to start my day by getting a fancy oil change at the DEALERSHIP! (I love CAPSLOCK!)
Then I rolled on to groceries, laundry, making lunches, chores, and catching up on mah stories... (Oh Hart of Dixie, how I love you so...) After that, I headed over to Bryan's house/my future home to make us some dinner and watch some anime (Kids on the Slope)... After a quick-ish trip to Target, though, I was ridiculously tired.
I feel so old when I start nodding off at 9PM on a Saturday. I used to be a night owl. Going to bed at 2AM was a regular thing and sleeping until 10 or 11 was no oddity. I love sleep, a lot, but this "eight hours" business is starting to take up a bunch of my time. Since I'm becoming a Type A, over-planning, lunatic; I lose hours making all of my lunches for the week, processing the vegetables for all of my dinners, and getting obsessed over rearranging my closets. I either forgot how to let loose and have fun, or I just run out of time way too often. I get a little worried, sometimes, that my ability to adapt to change is lacking... ("Le sigh" much? Geez!)
Anywhoozle, here's pictures of what I am currently digesting!!! Hooray!
Spinach, Sweet Potato & Onion Frittata
Grilled, Uncured Hot Dog Slices w/Sauerkraut & Mustard
Lemon Butter Mahi Mahi w/Green Salad & Grilled Zucchini, plus un-pictured grapes for dessert.
I know I'm going to sleep much better tonight with this good food nourishing my body. However, thanks to the end of daylight savings time, I'll still wake up at 7AM... I'm trying my best to stay awake as long as possible to avoid this, but resistance is probably futile!
Maybe the more I eat clean, the less sleep I'll need, within reason, to feel well rested and refreshed? We shall see.
Goodnight everybody!