Friday, November 1, 2013

54 Days to Christmas

Feliz Día de los Muertos!

I'm starting the countdown to Christmas and I'm already super STOKED!!!

If you didn't know, Christmas is my favorite! Mostly because my birthday is three days before so it's an extra awesome time of year.

This year I will be turning 34... eesh! That's how old Rachel was at the end of Friends! Sounds like such a big number when I still act like a twelve year old. I'm glad I'm getting my butt in gear with cleaning up the food I eat though, because I'm just about at the age where I'm supposed to start obsessing about not looking my age. LOL!

Without further ado... Here are some pictures of my FOOD!!! :)

Meal 1:
Over Easy Eggs with Chili & Onions

Meal 2:

Q'Doba - Chicken w/Pico & Guacamole

Meal 3:
Mexican Fiesta - Steak Milanese
Now, I know this is not 100% Whole30 approved, but this round is not as super strict as the first so I'm not kicking myself for having a little bit of cornmeal breading. Also, it was delicious!

I won't be referring to this round as Whole30 anymore just so I don't mislead anyone that might stumble onto my blog. :)

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