This is a very specific challenge and it's going to take more effort than I gave to any other endeavor.
Losing pounds is hard work and requires focus.
Like everything worth the effort; good health is not easily attained.
That's where I am today, stronger, healthier and focused on reality.
- This is not easy
- I can't eat whatever I want
- I have to workout (just as often as, or more often than, I do)
- This isn't a "lifestyle change", this is war
I love the circuit training videos the best and feel the most rapid results from that type of workout.
I am making healthy choices more often in my diet, but could definitely use more discipline there.
My mood is even and elevated for the most part and I'm putting God in the center of it...
He's not just for praying for stuff you want, y'know! :)
I'm seeing it this way now, God gave me this body to use to serve Him and I trashed it. Like a spoiled rich kid who totals their sweet 16 Mercedes and says, "Daddy fix it, k? Thanks, bye!" I have begged and pleaded that God just fix my body and my mental problem with my body image with a wave of His hand and for good reason He answered no... This is my body, on loan from God, to care for. The damage done is mine to repair. He gives me strength and encouragement and people in my life to motivate me and hold me accountable, but I have to do the moving and the discipline part.