Now, I need to keep this way of eating going... This was not hard... the first few days were challenging, but once things were rolling, I had little issue keeping up the pace.
I've got to stick to this breakthrough and not let go of it... not again...
I wasn't always a chubby girl. In fact, I used to be "tiny", "petite", "Smurfette"...
I had little sticks for legs and had (and still have) noticeably dainty hands and feet... so, naturally all I wanted in the whole world was to be big. I wanted to be tall and have boobs and be popular... and now...
Now, my one wish is to be small again. Not just for the change in tough choices going back to "jungle gym or swings?", but literally...
I would sit with my hands folded and hunch my shoulders over to appear to be smaller... or bring my knees into my chest and put my head down so I was invisible in my mind. This posture has led me down a road of feeling less than acceptable as a body (or a personality).
I don't want anyone to see how big I am.
There are a couple of problems right there.
- Why do I care about what others think?
- Was middle school that scarring that I think some stranger at a bar is going to come up to me, point at my stomach, and ask loud enough for the whole place to hear if I want some butter to go with my rolls?!?!?
- Even if someone did say something audibly enough for me to hear it, intentionally or otherwise, why is their opinion more important to me that my own?
- When did I decide that someone that does not know me is more qualified to judge me than I am? Perhaps, it is because I think a stranger is more likely to be honest than a friend or my husband... but that makes little sense the more I think about it.
I am accepting the likelihood that affirmations could be a big help to me to get through the roadblocks I face each day, therefore, I am going to start giving myself some love Stuart Smalley style...
I am good enough
I am smart enough
and doggone it, people like me!
... er... maybe I'll make up my own?
I love myself unconditionally...
I'm stronger today, than I was yesterday; and tomorrow, I'll be stronger still...
I deserve good things...
Now for records...
Big Salad w/Roast Turkey & Olives
Big Salad w/Roast Turkey & Olives
Grilled Chicken w/Roasted Potatoes & Salad
Starting Line-
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Whole30 Day 1 - 254 lbs |
Size 20 jeans
Constant back pain
Regular heartburn and belching
Pressure headaches nearly everyday
Always tired
Knees clicking going up stairs
Exercise induced asthma
Finish Line-
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Whole30 Day 31 - 239 lbs |
Size 18 jeans getting loose
Occasional, mild back ache
No heartburn
No headaches
Rarely tired and sleep more soundly
Rosacea clearing up
Knees still clicking going up stairs, but not as loud
Ramble on...
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