Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Whole Again

I've decided to go hardcore Paleo again for 31 days leading up to Thanksgiving starting on Monday October 28th. I honestly feel like I shouldn't have stopped, I wasn't ready yet. My brain was not reprogrammed enough. I ate McDonald's ya'll... McDonald's!

Also, I like the countdown and accountability I had when I was blogging my journey through my first Whole 30 about a month ago and would like to get the momentum going again with another burst of clean eating energy right before the holiday chow fest begins.

I picked 31 days this time because I like starting things on Mondays, and I might as well keep it going one extra day since Day 30 would be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

I finally finished reading It Starts with Food and realized I missed a few things like skipping Balsamic vinegar because of the nitrates (duh!), snacking should be rare; if at all, dried fruit could be as bad as candy in terms of "brain wants sweet, brain gets sweet" scenarios, and that Dallas & Melissa Hartwig say breakfast is a must. I'll try it your way Hartwigs!

I got a bunch of new recipes for this round from sites like Nom Nom Paleo, The Clothes Make the Girl, and Stupid Easy Paleo.

I also stole a wondrous recipe for this treat called Monkey Salad from Good Cheap Eats. The BEST mid-morning, "ohmygodicannotwaitforlunchoriamgoingtoeatmyhand" snack in the entire world. It's a fact!

So, from now until Monday I will be shopping, prepping, cooking, and freezing as many whole, clean, delicious meals as I can so I am ready to go! Also, this time, I've got coconut flakes, coconut butter, coconut oil, MORE ghee, sugar free grass fed bacon and lard to cook with so I am super stoked to try out the new flavors.

The plan is in place. The menu is set. I've got the tools and know how to use them so bring it on October 28th. I'm ready for ya!

FYI, I'm not spending the time before this to go hog wild and indulge bad habits. I don't want that monster headache to happen again. I'm just kind of doing my best to stick to the good things I know with the occasional lame excuse for Frito's... There's no excuse for Frito's... :)

This post is so linkeriffic because last time I got a lot of requests for info. Now you can click the link and be in the know!

1 comment:

  1. That Monkey Salad sounds amazing!!! P.S. you're awesome.
