Thursday, October 31, 2013

Whole30 Take 2 - Day 1

Good Evening!

Today begins my second round of the Whole30.

This time:
1. I have read "It Starts With Food" in it's entirety.
2. I am eating three meals a day, rather than two (skipped breakfast last time)
3. I added one day (because Thanksgiving is two days after the 30th day)
4. I (think) I have a Whole30 work buddy starting next week.
5. I am blogging everyday and taking photos of each meal, but I'm not sure yet if I am going to annoy my Facebook friends/family with a daily "look at me, look at ME!" post.
6. I am limiting dried fruit and my fruit and nut bars (Larabars) because the book taught me that the brain doesn't know the difference between healthy sweet and processed, white sugar, garbage sweet.
7. I'm going to add supplements. I wasn't prepared for this one to start today, but I didn't want to delay getting this party started, so I'll add them in later. (Fish Oil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, digestive enzymes)
8. I'm going to try not drinking anything while eating. I didn't know this was bad for digestion... Though I don't really have a problem with things working the way they should, I do wonder how much better I could feel if I wasn't watering down my digestive acids and whatnot.

So, these things in mind, I embark on another 30 (plus one) days of whole, clean eating...
Go? Yes, GO!

Meal One:
Roast Beef, Peppers & Onion Scramble

Monkey Salad

Black coffee (after eating, of course)

Meal Two:
Salt & Pepper Chicken with Spiced Mashed Cauliflower

I forgot the pic, but it was all brown and mushy anyway. :)

Meal Three:
I did not succeed in eating according to plan last night. Perhaps the first day of a woman's monthly... uh... cycle... is not the best day to give up salty and sweet?
I was going to have Chicken Soup with Onions & Carrots and a small tossed salad with red wine vinegar and oil dressing. I actually had a Wendy's cheeseburger, French fries, and a Frosty.

How could I take a picture? I don't want to document my SHAME! J/k. I don't feel too icky physically and I don't feel bad emotionally either. So I caved? Now it's a Whole30 after all!

I'm hopeful that the intensity of the detox effects won't be as severe this time around, since I just had the hardcore awful migraine, mood swings, lethargy, and overall malaise to the max during the first half last time... Also hope the chocolatey goodness of the Frosty with fries dipped in won't add to the effects too badly. Cramps are bad enough! :)

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