Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Whole30 Day 19 … watch how I soar.

Terrible, yet inevitable, news everyone... I finally got hit with the head cold my husband had last week. We didn't get to go to the cookout because we didn't want to get the grandparents or the baby nieces sick. We stayed in and rested up with some soup and a LOT of Walking Dead... I'm almost caught up just in time for the season 6 premier on 10/11!

He's not quite back to normal yet, but I'm in the first day of it and all of my efforts to thwart it's evil plans have been unsuccessful. Cold-Eeze has made me feel sick to my stomach, Day-Quil gives me heartburn and the allergy meds in my kit will just make me sleepy.

All I can do is keep pumping the fluids into my system and getting plenty of rest... luckily I sit most of the day and am relatively isolated in the office so I don't have to miss work (so much to do for month end!)

Beef Stew w/Potatoes & Carrots

Mediterranean Carry Out of some sort...
All I know is I want loads of garlic. I'm not sure if it's all in my head, but my great grandma used to make us eat raw garlic with "no more than half a piece of bread" to fight colds and it always seemed to do the trick.

I know the rules of the Whole30 tell you to stop and start over when you are better, but I'm figuring I'm going to keep eating like this for the most part so I am not counting the ingredients in the meds as a rule break. 

As much as I'd love to curl up in front of the TV with a sleeve of saltine crackers and huge mug of chicken noodle soup, I've got 11 days to go and I will finish...

And that's that.

Ramble On...

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