Monday, September 28, 2015

Whole30 Days 16-18 I am a leaf on the wind…

Energy has arrived, finally... 

It wasn't all at once, but over the course of the weekend I have been transformed from a lazy bum to a well oiled energy machine. I cleaned out my car, got all the birthday gifts purchased and wrapped, prepped lunches for the week, went shopping with the ladies in my family and got the house in order.

Yet, now that I am at my desk at work, I could fall right asleep on my keyboard.

Maybe it's just from having such a busy weekend, or because I stayed up a little late last night. Or maybe the lack of sugar has taken this long to set in... I don't usually have a sweet tooth, but have been going bonkers for sugar this time around, so much so that I am avoiding fruit and trying my best to keep the Larabars limited to a couple bites at a time only when time is too tight to make a meal... I stared longingly at the sugar bowl at work while my coffee brewed... ssssssugarrrrr... mmmmmm... ugh! Snap out of it!!!

It's not that bad, really... 

I'm sure it will pass by lunchtime... speaking of:

Roasted Chicken w/Potato Wedges & Green Beans

Cookout @ The In-Law's
My MIL always makes an effort to get good ingredients and organic meat and produce, so no worries there... it'll just be rough when they start passing out the desserts. I'll add the details of what I ate later this evening or tomorrow morning.

Ramble On...

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