Sunday, January 12, 2014


Sweet Potato Omelet & Aidell's Chicken and Apple Sausage w/Grapes & Banana 
All good and a great, filling way to fuel for the day.

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Gus 'n' Us - Grilled Chicken Salad w/Walnuts, Dried Cherries, Mandarin Oranges & Strawberries
So delicious I couldn't stop eating until it was gone. I swear they put crack in their chicken! :)

Turkey Lettwiches w/Cole Slaw & Grapes
The perfect, yummy, filling food for watching the Golden Globes.

I spent the afternoon at Trader Joe's with Bryan's mom, sister and baby niece. It's fun to make an adventure of grocery shopping, but it was sooo crowded! I got some good stuff though (Whole30 approved turkey kielbasa, freeze dried banana slices, eggs, Castile soap, and some fun bread for Bryan who is not doing the paleo thing).

Beginning with Wednesday, I'm going more strict and following the rules of the Whole30. It will end on Valentines day. I'm ready!

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