Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 21: Also 19 & 20

The weekend was good and relaxing. I went totally insane with calories, but managed to lose 0.8 lbs over all! I just think of what I could have lost if beer and pizza hadn't gotten thrown into the mix. I've been saying I need to be more active and have yet to do anything to that effect. I had been planning to wait until the Daniel Fast was over to get on a steady schedule anyhow, but I've done one high intensity workout, one session of pilates and one 20 minute round on the elliptical machine in the last 3 weeks... By the way 3 weeks down, 49 to go!!!

Here's the activity plan for the next 4 weeks:
Sundays: Cardio (elliptical 20 min, bike 20 min, treadmill 20 min) 
Mondays: Core Training (bike warm-up 10 min, abdominal weight machines and pilates)
Wednesdays: Weight Training - Legs (treadmill warm-up 10 min, lower body weight machines)
Fridays: Weight Training - Arms (nordic elliptical warm-up 10 min, upper body weight machines and free weights)

I see this as about 4-5 hours a week. Planning to succeed requires bringing my gym clothes to work so I can go straight to the gym instead of going home and making an excuse to watch TV instead. :)

I'm going to have the "trainers" at Fitness USA measure me tonight so I can compare it to the measurements I took on my own. I might need to replace mine with theirs because I'm not really sure if I did mine right.

I've read that a routine should be changed up every 2-6 weeks so I'm only commiting to this schedule for 4 weeks to see how it goes and to allow room for adjustments. If it doesn't seem to be producing the results I expect I might consult with a certified trainer down the road.

Anyway, I'm up and at work toooooo early and already losing steam.
I'll update the stats page after my workout tonight.

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