I feel gross when I eat something that's been cooked by means of immersion into a vat of oil... I can sense the greasy yuckiness in my stomach. French fries are so not worth it.
I'm going to the gym from work again tonight. It's lower body day so, my legs and bum muscles are gonna be burnin'! I've got some veggies and rice on the menu for lunch and some whole wheat pasta and sausage stuff for dinner.
I also got a menu plan worked out for next week (Sunday-Saturday). I'm going to start doing a little of what I learned doing Weight Watchers and keep doing the calorie counting aspect too. I'm assuming it's important, especially now that I'm working out, that I get my daily requirements of protein, vegetables/fruits, water, etc.
My roommate is going gangbusters at the gym now too and it's really helping me stay on track... I like that we can inspire each other to stay the course without actually having to say, "Stay the course" or other such cheesy things... It also helps to have someone to share the healthy meals with, rather than being the only one chewing steamed broccoli and wishing it were BBQ chicken nachos.
I'm looking at the chart of the dates that certain goals will be reached and trying not to be discouraged by my desire for instant results... The first milestone, for me, will be on or before April 19th when I drop below 190 for the first time since high school. By summer, I'll be in the high 160's and when sweater weather rolls around, I'll be at the high-end of my healthy BMI at 140.
I've made charts like this before only to look at them months later with a "coulda, shoulda, woulda" attitude. I was very reluctant to make a new one, but I'm determined to keep an eye on this weekly and remind myself of the time line. I think this could be a great way to actually acheive these goals.
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